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Basic course graduation project, defended on 100%. Two pages project, fix width 1200px. "Поиск гостиницы" button opens search form. Second page — "Гостиницы" menu item.
Up arrowAnother project from HTML Academy. Designing for practice. Two pages project, fix width 1200px. Slider works, changing page color and ice-cream type, without JS. the second page is the sub-item "Сливочное" menu "Каталог".
Up arrowBasic course graduation project, defended on 100%. Three pages, mobile (320px) tablet (768px) and desktop (1150px) viewport adaptive, responsive. Adaptive retina images for different viewports, widley used svg images. Layout on flex, marking by BEM. Menu interactive on moblie width. Second page — menu-item "Каталог", third page — menu item "Вязание на заказ"
Up arrowDesignd as test task and for practice. Landing page for registration on HR-management tour. Marked up according to BEM, adaptive and responsive page, used Bootstrap and flexes. Project building and optimization with Gulp, use LESS for CSS, unregisted links turned off by script, form configured to check and send on e-mail.
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